

With recent advances, the use of metal coatings for corrosion protection is experiencing increasing growth, as it is the most effective means of providing long-term protection against corrosion. The applications for metalizing are diverse and vast. Major industries include treatment facilities, oil and gas transmission facilities, water storage, aerospace, etc.

Plural Component

Plural Component

When traditional coating systems aren’t applicable, we can consider plural component coatings. Plural components coatings are a unique 2 part, high solids coating. The first part: resin or base and the second: co-reactant or curing agent. These agents will be mixed in various ratios and rapidly cure through chemical crosslinking.

There are three main types of plural component coatings:

  • Epoxies
  • Polyurethane
  • Polyureas

Graco Plural Componen
Graco Plural Componen
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